Our Corporate Sponsorship Program provides companies an opportunity to associate their brand with an iconic 110-year-old yacht, Grace.

Grace has been a fixture at Palmetto Bluff since the early days of the development and has been featured in many articles and promotional material for Palmetto Bluff over the years. After three years in dry dock Grace has been restored and is back on the waters of the May River. A portion of money that The Grace Club receives from Corporate Sponsors and Grace Club Members will go into the Reserve Fund to help preserve, maintain, and continue restoration of Grace.
Corporate Sponsors will also be given the opportunity to use Grace to host friends, families, employees, and customers in a unique and memorable way, with a cruise on the May River on the 110-year-old Grace! In addition, we will do our best to provide recognition and brand awareness in as many places as possible for our Corporate Sponsors, including but not limited to our website, dockside and in all publications where appropriate.
We hope you will join our original 45 Founders and the growing list of Grace Club members who are committed to preserving Grace for future generations.

Admiral - $20,000 Annually
- 2 free private charters for up to 24 people per cruise, does not include catering and alcoholic beverages.
- 20 free tickets for regularly scheduled Grace Cruises.
- Preferred pricing for any additional tickets at Grace Club member pricing of $95 per ticket.
- Introduction to Grace Club Members via member communications.
- Recognition and branding on the Grace website and on the Grace reservation system.
- Recognition and branding at the Grace dock.
- 15 tickets to the annual Grace Club Members and Sponsors Recognition cocktail party.
- 15 Grace baseball hats.
- 15 Grace golf shirts.
- A $15,750 value versus General Public pricing.

Captain - $12,500 Annually
- 1 free private charter for up to 24 people, does not include catering and alcoholic beverages.
- 15 free tickets for regularly scheduled Grace cruises.
- Preferred pricing for additional tickets at Grace Club member pricing of $95 per ticket.
- Introduction to Grace Club Members via member communications.
- Recognition and branding on the Grace website.
- Recognition and branding at the Grace dock.
- 10 tickets to the annual Grace Club Members and Sponsors Recognition cocktail party.
- 10 Grace baseball hats.
- 10 Grace golf shirts.
- A $9,925 value versus General Public pricing.

First Mate - $5,000 Annually
- 10 tickets for Grace cruises.
- Preferred pricing for additional tickets at Grace Club member pricing of $95 per ticket.
- Introduction to Grace Club Members via member communications.
- Recognition and branding on the Grace website.
- Recognition and branding at the Grace dock.
- 5 tickets to the annual Grace Club Members and Sponsors Recognition cocktail party.
- 5 Grace baseball hats.
- 5 Grace golf shirts.
- A $3000 value versus General Public pricing.

If you have any questions, please contact Bill Glavin at William_Glavin@Outlook.com or via cell at 617-699-2317.